Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is Grey anyway?

Information that will probably bore you to the bone but I need to know nevertheless...

Today I realized that my o.c.d. reeeeally shows when it comes down to laundry time.
It is laundry day (I have one every other weekend... that's how slow laundry gets done around this house, and it piles high and takes me forever to empty the laundry room) anyways - I started laundry around two which means I took all the laundry baskets into the laundry room and took about fifteen minutes going through each one and sorting the clothes. I have a laundry basket for whites, and one for the really dirty whites that I don't want touching my cleaner whites. I have a basket for kitchen and dusting towels and one for bathroom towels. I have a basket for bright colors and a basket for dark colors.
So where do Grey clothes fit in? I'm never really sure wether I want to wash them with the darks (since they're kinda black) or with the whites (since they're kinda white) or put them with bright colors because in all actuality, they are not dark enough to be black or light enough to be white. When it comes down to throwing clothes in the washing machine I've realized that I have never actually decided on a basket for them because I tend to find grey clothing in all color loads.

Maybe I will make a seperate baskets for Greys.... seems as though they're kind of important.


  1. Sounds like you've found yourself quite a conundrum! I have no advice, because we're lucky to have clean clothes period; much less washed with like colors!

  2. haha I know what you mean. I usually wait to wash clothes up until Trent comes to me and says "I have no socks, no clean shirts, no clean pants etc etc."
    and then I say
    "okay, I'll wash clothes... tomorrow."
