Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A day to forget... that I never will.
I get out of class and trek the mile back to my car where I notice some red glass looking stuff behind my rear drivers side tire. Slowly scaling my car up I see the damage. Someone hit my car and broke the tail light. Luckily there were no dents and only a tiny, little scratch that no one will ever see. There was no note, no nothing - except for the broken light cover. The damage - $105 to buy a new light. Oh a joyous day. Yet somehow still, through it all, God put me in a good mood :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Skateboards and Bottoms
While playing around at the skatepark (probably a year ago) four of us decided that we were going to experiment on skateboards. Me, My Husband, My Brother-in-law and a friend of ours who actually skateboarded. There was a short bar that the skateboarders used to 'grind' on and we thought we would see who could skate up to the bar, jump over the bar while the skateboard rolled under it, and land back on our skateboard (we used our enormous, intelligent brains to come up with this). So of course the actual skateboarder, Jared, made it over more than once, showoff. Well next thing I know my brother-in-law has made it. Poor Trent and I kept getting scared once we jumped off the board and were landing on the ground instead of back on the skateboard. I should have just gone with that and left gravity and whatnot alone. But I'm never one to turn down a challenge... Luckily another guy just happened to be recording this whole thing, luckily... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwGbYD9bbJI
(unfortunately I cannot embed this video so you'll have to follow the direct link if you want to watch it.)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
He won't bite... unless.

(like our Pomeranian, Pippen and especially puppies).
Never in my wildest dreams would I think he would 'protect' me from my neighbor though! Here is my story:
Now I know what you're thinking, you're making a mental note to never come to my house. I swear he's not vicious, he really is one of the most unvicious dogs you would ever meet, unless a disembodied hand comes through his backyard fence.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
What is Grey anyway?
Today I realized that my o.c.d. reeeeally shows when it comes down to laundry time.
It is laundry day (I have one every other weekend... that's how slow laundry gets done around this house, and it piles high and takes me forever to empty the laundry room) anyways - I started laundry around two which means I took all the laundry baskets into the laundry room and took about fifteen minutes going through each one and sorting the clothes. I have a laundry basket for whites, and one for the really dirty whites that I don't want touching my cleaner whites. I have a basket for kitchen and dusting towels and one for bathroom towels. I have a basket for bright colors and a basket for dark colors.
So where do Grey clothes fit in? I'm never really sure wether I want to wash them with the darks (since they're kinda black) or with the whites (since they're kinda white) or put them with bright colors because in all actuality, they are not dark enough to be black or light enough to be white. When it comes down to throwing clothes in the washing machine I've realized that I have never actually decided on a basket for them because I tend to find grey clothing in all color loads.
Maybe I will make a seperate baskets for Greys.... seems as though they're kind of important.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
my beautiful Hubby
Just some 'stuff'
She's beautiful though:
I got a package in the mail today. Trent called when he got home and asked what I had ordered. (he always suspects me of 'online shopping without permission' lol) I promised that I had not ordered anything which got him curious as to what was in this FedEx box for me. "Well, it's from so-and-so in Houston." I still had no clue.
"You want me to open it for you and tell you what it is?"
Pause. Wait a minute. What did he ask? To open my mail? That's like asking someone to open your birthday presents for you.
"No you can't open it you crazy nerd!"
"But it will be sitting on the coffee table staring at me until you get home."
"I don't care, it's mine!"
Finally it dawned on me what it was - my monogrammed jogging suit I ordered a while back from a friends mom (who has a monogramming business). She had monogrammed my friend Meg a jogging suit to wear the morning of her wedding and I fell in love with it and wanted my own! Upon telling Trent this he lost all interest in my package.
"Oh, well since I know what it is now it won't bother me as bad."
Well good. I'm glad I could help you out there dear. :] He's such a nerd.
Anyway, this is the adorable jogging suit she made for Meg: It says "Soon to Be Mrs. Kaminski" Can we say adorable?!
And this is mine! I'm so ready to wear it tomorrow!!
It says 'Mrs. Day' hehe! :] I love it.
So moral of story, it does not take much to make my day. Just send me mail and you'll be in my blog :]
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hello Blog World... I've finally arrived
But possibly this might consume more time than the other two.
Luckily I did not have homework tonight, but I do have class tomorrow, and it is rather late (1 in the morning) seeing as I have to get up at 5:45. So I do believe I will be heading to bed.
But never fear, I will be returning most likely tomorrow with more interesting things to say.
Good Night!